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Launch Day

So here we are guys, launching my new website a long time overdue but im so excited to get started to get started with this. I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe in these crazy times.

I cant wait until the world reaches some kind of normality again and the gyms can open so I can see all the regular faces and my lovely clients again. Until then I will continue with doing online telehealth assessments from home which are going very well, if anyone is struggling with injury or have any queries then feel free to send me a quick message on here and I will get back to you asap.

I also plan to do some videos explaining about injuries and a few exercises to treat them, feel free to put any ideas forward about what content you want me to include. I can go over lifting techniques swell so again fire any ideas at me and I will do my best to go over everything.

Finally I would like to say a massive thanks to Jordan and Jacob from for all your help with this, you guys have done a fantastic job here and i would definitely recommend them to anybody looking for a website design.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy having a look through the site



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