Fire Cupping Therapy
Myofascial decompression using static and moving massage cupping.
Service Description
An initial assessment with each client identifying the case history and treatment plan will be discussed first. In the initial phase the practitioner try to familiarise the patient with his or her touch, making them feel comfortable with the application of oil to the skin which is required for the application of the suction cups. Then the cups will be applied and suction will be administered providing a gentle and uplifting stretch of the skin, which should not be painful or too uncomfortable. Usually this will be left in the same position creating a negative pressure and a stretch response in the mechano-receptors of the skin stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system causing reduced stress and relaxation. This treatment includes moving massage cupping, in which the cup is slid over the skin gliding through the muscle and fascial layers increasing circulation, loosening up the tissues and tight spots in the muscle and breaking down the adhesions within the muscle tissues. This is very relaxing and can give a feeling of warmth. This is different to normal massage as a combination of the pressure from the edge of the cup alongside the suction within the cup provides a different sensation. There are a number of methods of providing the cups, I currently use a combination of fire cupping, mechanical cupping with plastic cups, and a soft rubber cup which moves well with the body when applying soft tissue and joint mobilisation techniques. As cupping provides a stretch sensation the cupping with joint mobilisation can really free up any restrictions. Myofascial cupping should not be painful at all but occasionally can feel tight in certain areas. Round circular marks can remain on the skin after cupping for up to a few weeks. I have had many positive comments regarding Cupping therapy and cupping massage, for further information feel free to contact me through the website and ask any questions you may have. Thanks Chris
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, Please contact us withing 24 hours of the booking. Thanks
Contact Details
Wentworth Road, Scunthorpe DN17 2AX, UK